Monday, December 11, 2017

Weekend journal

In the weekend i didn't do much. on Friday i went to the town square opening. it was quite interesting and fun. after that i went ice skating. when i first got there there was nobody there except for my sister. then about 30 minutes later it was packed. then my family went down to the picnic tables beside the movie theater to have a chat with one of my mums friends. on Saturday i spent my whole day getting wet while drenching calves and moving half the calves down the road. then on Sunday morning we then moved the other half of the calves. then we went to granddads to help him lay out some pipe. then we had morning tea there. that was my weekend and this will be my last weekend journal.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Weekend Journal

In the weekend i had fun. On Saturday after camp i had to wake up at 8 in the morning the day after camp to go to Christchurch. the reason i had to go because we were dropping one of my brothers friends and it was my great Nana's 89th birthday. we went out for lunch. afterwards me Bridget and mum went to the mall. when i was walking through the mall i caught up with one of my new mates from the st beads sleepover that i did. On Sunday i went out hare shooting with my dad at 10. i got 4 hares with 5 bullets within the first hour but then for a little while there was nothing around. then when we went down the back to look for a deer. My dad thought he saw one but it was just a possum. Then my dad shot it. then we went around to look for some pigs and on the way there there were plenty of hares but my dad didn't want me to shoot them just in case i scared the pigs away. there were no pigs and on the way back there was no hares in sight. On Monday i didn't do much as i used it as a rest day. that was may weekend.